Author Guidelines

Author guidelines.


In order to submit an abstract, please follow these steps:


       1.  Create an account by selecting "Registration".

       2.  Submit your abstract by selecting "Submit" before February 13, 2019

       3.   If you receive a notification of acceptance, "Submit" and send the full version before March 29, 2019.


Abstracts should follow the instructions provided below. Oral and poster submissions should be in Word format and include:

1. The header:

  •     The title of the communication;
  •     Type of communication (oral or poster);
  •     The first name and the last name ;
  •     Function and institutional affiliation;
  •     Keywords (3-5).

2. The abstract text:

  1.     The problem;
  2.     The objectives;
  3.     The methodological framework;
  4.      Preliminary results (if possible).

3. A brief bibliography (2-4 references).

The overall document (the header + the abstract text + the bibliography) must not exceed two pages maximum, less than 500 words (excluding spaces) (Format: A4 21 × 29, Font: Times New Roman, font size: 12, line spacing: 1.5, spacing: before 0pt and after 6pt, margins: normal 2.5). For the header, the font size is: 14.
For poster communication: A portrait A0 poster, size: 1189 mm x 841 mm.

Oral communications:
Oral interventions will be in French or Arabic or in English, for a period of 15 minutes, followed by a discussion of 5 minutes.

Poster communications:
Parallel sessions will be organized during the congress. Each poster will be presented during one of these sessions, in a short presentation, about 5 minutes, in front of the scientific committee members.

Final full papers.

The final version of the accepted full papers, is to be submitted, first via the website, then to send another version, no later than March 29, 2019, as an attached file in Word format to the following e-mail address: A template of accepted articles (final version) is available on the website.

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